1. 1

    Cleaning requirements

  2. 2

    Property Information

  3. 3

    Estimated Quote

  4. 4

    Additional Information

  5. 5

    Request a Quote

Having Issues?

If you are experiencing any issues during the estimate process, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

(236) 471 - 1161

Cleaning Time

The estimated price and time is calculated based on the work of 2 cleaners/team. In the situation when we have to send out a team of 1 or 3 cleaners, your time will be changed accordingly but the Price remains the same for the same amount of work.

You are only paying for the actual time that our team stays in your house. Our teams will be arriving fully equipped with all needed cleaning supplies, microfiber cloths and vacuums. The service time starts when our team arrive at your house and ends when we leave the property.

Please note that this is not an official quote. Once we receive your inquiry, our representatives will reach out to you and send out an official quote for your approval. Actual time may vary depending on the actual condition of the property.”