6 Vacuum Cleaning Tips For Your Floor

6 Vacuum Cleaning Tips For Your Floor

In order to remain a visually attractive and healthy environment for your home, it is crucial to keep your floors clean. One of the fastest ways for cleaning your floors of dirt, dust, and debris is vacuuming. However, vacuuming without a strategy may consume even more of your time and energy. Whether you are a professional cleaner that needs to do this task every single day or you just want to vacuum your own house regularly, keeping those tips in mind would make your cleaning task seems to be a bit easier!

Vacuum Cleaning Tips 

1. Get Your Vacuum Well-Prepared

Let's be honest! How many of you would right away drop your vacuum into your storage after vacuuming without emptying the dustbin or checking the vacuum bag? If you are doing this, chances are you would take it out of your storage next time and just continue using it the way it is, and you wonder why your vacuum does not pick up all the dirt?

Please always - always empty your dustbin or double-check your bag capacity before you start. If your dustbin or vacuum bag is full or used up 2/3 of its room, your vacuum will not work to its capacity and reduce the suction, not to mention that it might create more mess while vacuuming. In a long term, you are reducing the lifespan of your vacuum as it always has to work extremely hard in the wrong way. So please, remember to empty your dustbin next time after your work!

2. Prepare Your Room Prior To Vacuuming

If you are thinking that the sooner you get started, the sooner you get the work done, it is not always the case when it comes to vacuuming. You do not want to keep stopping or dropping off the vacuum to move things around and clean underneath. Get your space ready, get your kids to work by asking them to help you with clearing up their rooms, push out the chair, remove the toys box... simple things that help them to be more independent and speed up your time. 

3. Pre-Cleaning/Dusting The Baseboards

Do you notice that the dark lines on your carpet start showing up over time around your baseboards or heavy furniture? And do you know that it is preventable?

Even if you are vacuuming your carpet regularly, your vacuum would not be able to completely pick up the dust in the corners or around the wall and objects (using a proper vacuum attachment might help it, but not entirely). This is the dust line that accumulated over time when you rely too much on your vacuum cleaner. To prevent it, use a dust brush to go around your baseboards, then swap to the crevice tool and clean around the edge of these areas to properly remove the dust. 

4. Pick Up The Small Objects From The Floor

Don't rely completely on your vacuum to pick up all the garbage on your floor for you. It might do most of the time, but you are risking it to get stuck and later on spend more time or money on repairing it. 

It would not take a lot of your time to quickly scan over the room to see if there are any big objects that might get stuck and block the vacuum head, pick them up prior to turning your vacuum on. You would be surprised how many things can get lost in your dustbin while you vacuuming if you skip this step - a lot of lego pieces from your kids, some candy wraps, or possibly your earrings - hopefully, you would never get your wedding ring lost this way though! 

5. Choose The Correct Attachments For Your Floor

If you do not own a vacuum that is produced 20 years ago, your vacuum more likely comes with various attachments that are supposed to use for different types of floors or areas.

They are there for a reason, so you want to use them wisely because you do not want to damage your expensive wooden floor with the carpet roller or spend extra extra time vacuuming the same carpet area because your floor attachment would not pick up the debris from the carpet. No need to be a professional to know about this, you can find everything in your instruction book that comes with your vacuum.

6. "Turn And Repeat"

When it comes to vacuuming, it is necessary to constantly change the angle and repeat the action multiple times, especially on the carpet. Remember to keep switching hands for the task to prevent unnecessary pain. And yes, you might do all the steps above and still struggle to vacuum certain areas of your house, just simply because your vacuum is not designed to completely remove 100% of the dust or stain.

If your carpet starts changing its color or if your wooden floor starts having a lot of scratches, it might be time for you to look back at the way you are vacuuming your floor and look for professional cleaning help.